Hours of operation:
Closed Friday February 14, 2025: Rafik Hariri Memorial Day
Closed Monday February 17, 2025: President’s Day
For the public, Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 2 PM.
For submitting formalities from 9 AM until 1 PM.
Formalities with the required documentation will be turned around on the same day.
Closed on national and federal holidays (check our holiday schedule)
Urgent Appeal for Medications & Medical Supplies for Lebanon With Support From UNICEF
To meet the growing demands on the healthcare system in Lebanon in terms of urgently needed medications and medical supplies identified by the Ministry of Public Health of Lebanon.
You can kindly help financially, by supporting a fundraising campaign that the Consulate is launching through the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) USA. With your contributions, UNICEF and partners will procure and deliver medications and medical supplies to Lebanon. UNICEF has been working in Lebanon for over seven decades, providing life-saving support to children, protecting their rights and helping them achieve their potential. Your tax-deductible donation can be made on the following link: UNICEF Support for Lebanon.
Kindly reach out to us at [email protected] for any questions you might have.
Reacquiring Lebanese Citizenship
Dear Fellow Lebanese,
We would like to inform you that the Lebanese pertinent authorities, pursuant to Law # 41 “Reacquiring the Lebanese Citizenship” dated November 24, 2015, have started taking applications from members of the Lebanese diaspora to reacquire the Lebanese citizenship. The said Law stipulates that applications should be submitted before November 25, 2025.
Applications will be considered by a committee within the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities of Lebanon. Applicants can appeal the decisions of the said committee within a month from the time they are legally notified of such decisions at the address they specified in their applications.
Persons eligible to apply should have their names or the names of their paternal ancestors, or male relatives on their father’s side, listed on the records of the census of 1921 – 1924, either residents or immigrants registers, and/or the records of the census of 1932, immigrants registers, available at the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities.
Please click on the link below to learn more about the requirements.
Lebanese Army Magazine
The Lebanese Army Magazine is now digital and available on the following link. You can subscribe now and have access to the current and previous issues of the magazine online
Diplomatic Pouch
For information on the status of your registration by family name, kindly select the following link:

Consulate General of Lebanon
9 E. 76th St.
New York, NY 10021
Tel: (212) 744-7905
Fax: (212) 794-1510
(please check the “about the consulate” section for more contact details)
Hours of Operation:
For the public, Monday through Friday from 9 AM until 2 PM.
Closed on national and federal holidays
Connecticut (CT)
Delaware (DE)
Maine (ME)
Massachusetts (MA)
New Hampshire (NH)
New Jersey (NJ)
New York (NY)
Pennsylvania (PA)
Rhode Island (RI)
Vermont (VT)